Tiger Woods Foundation Receives Award For Sports Philanthropy

Tiger Woods will forever be known for his contributions to the game of golf. During his rise and dominant era, countless new golfers — young and old — took the game up thanks to his presence and the attention it garnered. And, he’ll undoubtedly go down as one of the game’s top players.

When it’s all said and done, though, looking back at Woods’ career may very well begin with his impact on the world through charity.

Case in point: The Tiger Woods Foundation was named a recipient of the 2014 Steve Patterson Award, awarded for Excellence in Sports Philanthropy.

Photo Gallery: Tiger’s Major Victories

The Tiger Woods Foundation supports numerous causes, including educational opportunities, and was awarded in the Individual Athletes and Professional Coaches category by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

From Tiger Woods’ official website:

“It is an honor to receive the Steve Patterson Award from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. We believe we can break the cycle of poverty through education, and receiving this award helps us spread awareness of our mission even further,” Woods said. “I’m so proud of our staff and supporters, and we look forward to making a difference in the lives of so many students and their families to come.”

The foundation is set to be honored by the RWJF at a Sept. 18 ceremony.


Related Link: 9 Golfers Known For Their Charitable Contributions

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