Phil Posts Incredible Video Of His Leg Kick Prowess

Phil Mickelson has been the genesis of two gigantic stories in the last two months, yet neither of them had anything remotely to do with his golf game. 

The first was the now-infamous Mizzen+Main commercial that debuted the week of the WGC-Bridgestone Invitational, which depicted Mickelson, clad in one of his long-sleeve, button-down Mizzen+Main shirts showing off the flexibility of both the shirt and himself dodging computer-generated golf balls.

The commercial itself went viral, and then Phil, ever the opportunist, rode the wave by employing some dance moves on the course over the next few weeks. 

The second big development that happened in August was Phil’s head-first dive into social media. Never one to wade into the internet waters without dipping his toe in first, Mickelson came out of the gates firing, posting selfies, trash-talking Tiger and being self-deprecating

On Wednesday, Phil beautifully married both of his big headlines into one fantastic tweet, shutting up the detractors who said some of his dance moves in the Mizzen+Main commercial were fake or CGI. Waiting until the right time to post it, Mickelson shared a video of him and actor Chris O’Donnell in which Mickelson used his roundhouse high kick. 

You can’t blame O’Donnell for not wanting to watch, but you have to give Phil credit — that was pretty impressive. We also finally have an answer to the question “What does Phil Mickelson do in his spare time?”