Pat Perez: “Tiger Can’t Beat Anybody”


Pat Perez rocked the golf world on Thursday by saying what everybody may or may not be thinking regarding the state of Tiger Woods’ game during an interview on SiriusXM PGA Tour Radio. While his comments were met with some serious push pack, the fact is he may have a point, and at the very least he’s entitled to his opinion.

After briefly acknowledging that Tiger is “a needle mover, he is the needle” in golf, he unleashed this scorching hot take:

“He’s got this new corporation he started so he has to keep his name relevant to keep the corporation going, so he’s going to show up to a few events, he’s going to try to play, he’s going to show the Monster bag, he’s going to show the TaylorMade driver, he’s gonna get on TV.

“He’s got the Nike clothes. he’s gotta keep that stuff relevant, but the bottom line is he knows he can’t beat anybody. He knows it. I mean, he shot 77. That guy can’t shoot 77. What does he do the next day? He knows he can’t beat anybody! I told you! He’s not gonna come out and play poorly.”

Not to add insult to injury, but when asked if he thought Woods is going to play the Masters this year, Perez said, “If he doesn’t play Augusta, then it’s over.”

Here are Perez’s comments unedited.


For the record, Perez did try clarifying his comments later on:

[ht Golf WRX]


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