Fan Films Moment He Got Hit By Tiger’s Ball

Attending a golf tournament is a unique, albeit risky experience. Golf gives fans the opportunity to get up close and personal with the best players in the world unlike any other professional sport, sometimes to the detriment or injury of those spectating.

Although these players are able to control their golf ball in a way most amateurs only dream of, they too are prone to the occasional foul ball as evidenced by the number of fans who leave the tournaments with signed gloves. Most instances of fans getting hit are the fault of the players, but sometimes fans get a little overzealous in their trust of the pros as evidenced by Tiger Woods’ second shot on the second hole on Friday at Carnoustie. 

The Friday instance may have been the fans’ fault for getting too close to a pro trying to hit a hook from a sketchy lie, but there was no excuse on Sunday afternoon when Woods’ second shot on the par-4 11th went well left and struck a spectator’s phone who was filming at the time.

As it turned out, the 11th hole double bogey would end up being Tiger’s undoing, but he actually got a fortunate break by hitting it into the crowd and having the ball carom out to the right. Colin Hauck was the unlucky — or lucky, depending on how you look at it — fan to be struck by Woods’ ball.

Now you know what it looks like to be hit by a shot from Tiger Woods, which is much better than feeling what it’s like to be hit by a shot from Tiger Woods.