TMZ Tries, Fails To Interview Dustin & Paulina

TMZ has successfully broken a lot of sports news lately: Ray Rice, Donald Sterling, Jameis Winston. And those scoops, especially the first two, sparked large-scale investigations that led to unprecedented punishments.

But TMZ still remains true to its roots, which means bombarding unsuspecting celebrities in public by thrusting a camera in their face. Dustin Johnson and Paulina Gretzky, who are engaged and expecting a baby, received the treatment Tuesday while walking through LAX to catch a flight:

So, nothing really learned there. No due date, no baby names, and surprisingly, no questions about Johnson’s leave of absence. There have been reports that he was actually suspended by the PGA Tour for drug use, but apparently this “reporter” didn’t want to go there or wasn’t aware. You can’t win ’em all.

But at least we know DJ is alive and well.

Photo Gallery: Paulina Gretzky’s Hottest Instagram Pictures


[h/t Golf Digest]


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