Golf & Fitness With Lorena Ochoa

At the ripe age of 31, Lorena Ochoa has arguably done it all. She won 27 times on the LPGA Tour, including a pair of majors, before retiring in 2010 to pursue a family. Now a mother to her son, Pedro, with another on the way, Ochoa remains an ambassador for the game worldwide.

On March 13, she went to Capitol Hill to represent the game at the 13th Annual National Health Through Fitness Day,” hosted by the Sports & Fitness Industry Association. Afterward, she shared her thoughts on golf and fitness in an email interview.

What inspired your trip to Washington to discuss the health and wellness?

It was an honor to participate in “National Health Through Fitness Day” and share my passion for getting people active and physically fit. Through my foundation, we provide opportunities for improving lifestyles of children and adults with a variety of family-based golf activities and health programs. During the March 13th event in D.C., we met with several Congressional members and challenged them to support legislation related to fitness. It was an incredible experience with a lot of positive feedback! 

Though you’re not playing much tournament golf these days, how does golf fit into your fitness routine?

Walking 18 holes of golf can burn up to 2,000 calories and is equivalent to a four-mile run. I try to play several times a week in addition to other fitness activities to stay healthy. Golf is a great way for me to be active and spend quality time outdoors with my family. 

How do you think getting more golfers to walk might help the pace-of-play?

Walking doesn’t mean you have to play slower. Actually a lot of people play faster when they walk. When you walk, you pay more attention to the course and your game. 

Besides walking during a round of golf, what can golfers do to make sure they get the most health/wellness benefits out of a round?

Stretching properly before and after your round of golf will improve muscle strength and range of motion, which are both very important in golf. Wearing a pedometer can help track steps you take so you can try to increase each round, while hopefully hitting the ball straight. Nutrition is also important, so make sure you drink plenty of water and have a few healthy snacks in your golf bag to provide energy to your body.