Girls That Golf – October 07, 2019 – Page 8

Kristina Shalhoup

Kristina Shalhoup is another well-rounded woman, she is a weathergirl, reporter, videographer, NYU alum and dog owner. On top of all that, she can rip a golf ball 250+ yards. She is a part of #TeamWWD Golf (Women With Drive), an organization that strives to advance the image of the female golfer. Her Instagram is on the more artistic side, but there are still some great shots of her and some cool courses that she has played. See her at @kristinashalhoup.

Stephanie Gibri

Stephanie Gibri is a 24-year-old from Montreal. She is Egyptian and was introduced to golf at age 13. She has since worked her way up through golf’s lower levels and is looking to earn her top-tier card after playing in the Cactus, Symetra and other smaller tours. Her college team at San Jose State helped push her to the top. Go follow @sgibri.

Kine Olsen

Kine Olsen is a blonde from Los Angeles that is a jack-of-all-trades of sorts. On top of being an avid golfer, she is a competitive cheerleader and has been wildly successful with it; her Norwegian team took home a World Championship in 2014. She takes full advantage of living in LA and plays golf in that area frequently, showing off some of the coastal courses that she plays over at @kineolsen11.

Alex Phillips

Alex Phillips is a Nevada-based golfer, and long drive champion. She has been around sports her whole life and even convinced her sister to join her in long drive competitions. She posts her workouts, and practice sessions on her Instagram, @aphilaphil.

Kirsten Royal

Kirsten Royal is a fashion and fitness guru who took up golf a couple years back. She has honed her skills and now has a wicked slick swing for such a small stature. She is a Florida native and posts updates all the time of her traversing over some great courses in the Sunshine State. See more over on Instagram @kirstenroyal12.

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