Baseball Meets Golf As Nationals Skipper Plays Fungo Golf

Creating hybrid versions of the traditional golf game seems to be all the rage nowadays. There’s Disc Golf, FootGolf, Hack Golf, and of course Ripped Links to name a few. But here’s one you may not have heard of: Fungo Golf.

It consists of a baseball bat, a softball and a flying disk. The goal is to hit the ball into the disk in the least amount of strokes. As crazy as it sounds, it’s apparently become a popular game among baseball teams.

Related Link: Is FootGolf the Next Big Thing?

Washington Nationals manager Matt Williams is a big fan of Fungo Golf. He and MASN reporter Dan Kolko recently played a round at Nationals Park where they seem hit shots from every spot in and around the stadium… including one from the stands.

The fun starts at the 1:18 mark below, and Williams hits a must-see shot at 3:55.

I wonder what Bryce Harper’s handicap is.

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