2017 “State of the Game” Survey Key Takeaways


Want to really know the state of the game? Ask the people who play it on a regular basis. Golf.com recently released their annual golf survey which polled over 1,000 amateur golfers and covers everything from spending and playing habits to pet peeves and aspirations. Here are a few of the key takeaways. Some of which you may agree with. Some of which may surprise you. You can find the entire survey here:

Which of these most irritates you on the course?

Slow play — 65.1%
Poor course conditions — 18.4%
Poor etiquette — 11.1%
High green fees — 5.3%

Have you had sex on a golf course?

Yes — 10.4%
No — 89.6%


Do you regularly take a mulligan off the first tee?

Yes — 33.1%
No — 66.9%

What, if anything, most prohibits you from taking formal golf lessons?

Rather spend the time just playing golf — 35.8%
Too expensive for what you will get out of them — 23.8%
Not convinced that they will help you — 19.2%
Content with how you currently play — 16.2%
Don’t have access to lessons/not sure where to get them — 4.2%
Uncomfortable with one-on-one formal instruction — 0.8%

Do you believe golf’s governing bodies are generally taking the game in the right direction?

Yes — 31.1%
No — 68.9%



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