How’d He Hit That: Rahm’s Backwards Recovery

Welcome to this week’s episode of How’d He Hit That? where every week we take a look at an unbelievable golf shot and help you to learn how you can use that shot in your game. This week we’re looking at Jon Rahm’s ingenious backward recovery shot from the 2017 PGA Championship at Quail Hollow. 

As always, it’s very important that as unlikely as the scenario may seem, you need to have practiced these kinds of shots on the range before you try to pull them off on the course. 

Standing with our back to the target, we want to have our body and club on the dominant side of our body. Because of this setup position, this shot is perfect for instances when the ball is up against a tree or water. 

The swing itself is like a pendulum. As you take the club away, you’ll want to cock your wrist and then drag the handle towards the ball, releasing the club at or around impact much like a normal shot. If, like Rahm, you’d like to impart some movement on the ball, adjust your body and clubface accordingly to impart some spin on the ball.