Threading the Needle:~MyPakage Underwear

In the world of soft goods reporting, many companies boast claims of product cross-functionality, reassuring you that you’ll be equally comfortable wearing their golf clothes out for a night on the town as you are when playing 36 during the day. The reality is, most of us don’t wear our best plaids and our heavily logoed golf polo out for a night on the town.

That said, I introduce you to an item this writer guarantees will transition across all of your activities, regardless of occasion, venue or intensity. Underwear. That’s right, gitch. Gonch. Skivvies. Step-ins. Whatever you want to call ’em. But, we’re not talking traditional y-fronts here, and no boxers need apply.

The ultimate crossover garment comes to you from MyPakage, and it features something called Keyhole Comfort Technology — something you’ll soon call heaven.

MyPakage, a Canadian-based company, has made the dream of a truly fiddle-free underwear experience a reality, forever eliminating man’s absent-minded nether-region adjustments. On the course or off, Keyhole Comfort Technology from MyPakage is an amazingly important innovation that no man, regardless of age, income or social status, should do without.

After all, none among us are immune from inevitable “management” issues that have a propensity of cropping up at the most inopportune time. No longer will you be subject to the shortcomings of a slightly ill-fitting trouser or short or a temperature-induced moisture issue, for you will always be securely in place where it matters most.

Never again will you be accused of being a ball handler like Steve Martin in “Trains, Planes, and Automobiles,” nor will you ever be tempted to play it footloose and fancy-free under your gabardines a la Kramer during one memorable “Seinfeld” episode.

So adjust no more my friends, for MyPakage now delivers day after day of unrivaled underwear efficiency. Underwear done so well you’ll (almost) never want to take them off.