With the announcement of the iPhone 6 from Apple on Tuesday, we have our our iPhones teed up with all of the best golf apps on the App Store. There’s a long list of options out there, and you can see them here. There’s also a long list of gadgets golfers can choose from.
Here are seven that stand out as must-haves:
iPING Fit: The iPING Fit is an application and iPhone device cradle that helps golfers improve their putting consistency by establishing a putting handicap. The app works to analyze golfers’ stroke types during “measure sessions” and delivers face rotation and other data to help you become a master on the green.
Game Golf: Game Golf adds quite a bit to the age-old experience of keeping your golf score. Using Game Golf, golfers can track distance with each club thanks to a set of pins you attach to your clubs, which communicate with a device worn on your belt. At the end of your round, you’ll see statistics and can even share via social media. The goal of Game Golf is to serve as an automatic shot-tracker, letting you focus on your game.
Swingbyte 2: The second iteration of the Swingbyte device, golfers can use the device and application for immediate and detailed information on their swings. Working similarly to Zepp, Swingbyte features a device that attaches to the shaft of your club and — when swung — delivers tons of information to the application for you to analyze and — of course — improve.
Zepp Golf: Previously known as Golfsense, the Zepp Labs golf device is a next-generation game-improvement gadget that provides 3D and statistical analysis of your swing — either during a round or on the practice tee. Users can select clubs, see their swing and get tips and analysis on how to improve all by way of the ultra-light bluetooth device worn on the golf glove that provides data to be seen on your Apple or Android device.
Optishot: We paused before adding a simulator to this list but at less than $400, this one needed to be on the list. The device is simply a hitting pad — small enough to fit in a briefcase — and a cord that attach to your laptop and display a simulated course. You can play with up to four players, see your shot patterns and play on replicated courses designed from some of the world’s best.
ProtoSports: Taking advantage of the fact that serious golfers look to use their smartphones to improve their swings, ProtoSports is a holster that clamps to any surface and ultimately provides a platform to shoot your video on. For golfers, it’s a useful holster that allows you to shoot high-quality video of your practice sessions. The holster was originally created to fit on an alignment stick, which served as a tripod of sorts but is now made to clip to any surface.
SkyCaddie Linx: For a golfer, it’s vital to have accurate distances when you need them while out on the course. SkyGolf, through its creation of the SkyCaddie Linx, simply made that information more practical and wearable. The Linx watch has everything imaginable, including yardage on the course and an odometer for running or exercise. You can also link your wearable to your iPhone with the SG Mobile Scoring App.
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